What a simple chess game, we all remember when the knights switched what pieces you control... right? We all remember trying to lose, then trying to win because the ai moved a knight, right? Who am i kidding, of course you do! Introducing Simple Chess, like your ordinary chess game, but a whole lot laggier. Introducing the new battle royale... new switch mechanic, the goal's the same, have your color win, but how easy is that when you are playing your enemy's pieces? How easy is that when knights are as evil as helpful? Simple chess, where chess becomes a whole lot more simpler.

Performance update has been officially applied.


SimpleChess Windows 38 MB
SimpleChess MacOS 13 MB
SimpleChess Linux 39 MB

Install instructions

Either play the html game, or if you are on linux or windows, simple download the executable files and run them, macos users are going to have to figure that on their own, as i dont use a mac...

Development log


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Switch mechanic is tied to the KNIGHT piece, not rook.

(3 edits)

Thanks… i was tired and stupid… ill see if i can fix the description…